Monday, September 8, 2008


This is part two of Friday's blog. I hope you enjoy it.

After resting for a while I heard something approaching from the north. I suspected it was a deer (turned out there were three), and the roots of the cedar kept me hidden from them. A check of my watch showed that legal shooting time was just seconds away. The area was just too dark however, unless they passed very close.

I eased my rifle into position just before they arrived. The season was just seconds old, and I had not yet heard a single shot – even in the distance – when two big does and a smaller four-point buck walked past in single file. Too close to use the scope, I sighted under its ring mounts and touched off.

When the deer was down and field-dressed, I returned to the cedar to see how close they had been. Eight short steps had separated us! That small buck set two personal “records” I have never come close to matching since: shortest wait after legal shooting time; and closest shot. As far as the state of Michigan was concerned, I was probably the first person - statewide - to successfully bag a deer during that particular season.

So even though I was turned around in the woods, the hunt was successful. But honestly, having the season over almost before it started deprived me of some great “stump-sitting” time. This was one of the deer hunting experiences that helped me learn to pass up some easy shots, and not trade quick success for “quality time” in the woods.

Copyright Ray Hansen, 2008

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